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Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Birds, Birds and more Birds!

"Across the oceans, from earth to the sky, their colors and calls flourish.
Welcoming dawn and heralding dusk, thy omnipresence, ours to cherish!"

I value my garden more for being full of birds than fruits, and very gladly give them food for their songs!

I am not sure of the exact words or who wrote it, but the impact of the above phrase has traveled with me through my life and is there to stay. As a child, I would sit in our garden and enjoy the antics of many animals. Birds, fascinated me the most. I will most gladly give them food for their songs!

Through the years birds of all kinds have brought me great joy!

One day, in December 1999, I decided to photograph birds found in India. I also decided to record their calls and put them together on the web for everyone to enjoy. Welcome to INDIABIRDS. I hope you enjoy watching these Birds as much as I enjoy bringing them to you.

Then, one day, I got an opportunity to expand the collection. It resulted in ORIENTAL BIRD IMAGES. Ornithologists, photographers, birds watchers all come together here to bring you an invaluable collection from the oriental region.

I sincerely, thank everyone who helped me in making this dream happen. The list is too long for me to type in here. Thanks folks, you know I am referring to you!

All good things in life are for free! Thank you for sharing the joy!

Vijay Cavale
August, 2007